1. Firearms: Rimfire and Centerfire weapons no greater then 30 caliber. Shotguns no larger then 12 gauge. Bow Hunting permitted.
2. Hunting Hours: all hours between dawn and dusk during legal hunting seasons within the term of the lease. No night hunting.
3. General Harvest Limits: Whitetail: State limit; Turkey: 1 tom, 1 hen; Dove: State limit; Quail: 5 daily bag limit, Javalina: State limit; Bobcat: 1 Daily, Wild Hogs: No Limit; Coyotes: No Limit; Rabbit: State limit Squirrel: State limit
4. All animals harvested by Lessee and/or Lessee’s guest(s) shall count toward Lessee’s harvest totals.
5. Follow all local, state, and federal hunting laws.
6. Hunters may place no more then two (2) blinds/stand and two (2) feeders in their designated hunting section(s). Hunters shall identify on a map all of their feeders and blinds/stands and have on file with the Lessor.
7. All hunters shall identify their blinds and feeders with their initials and year of lease. (Ex. ”AB 21/22” or “21/22 AB") Blinds not properly marked and identified to current and valid lease holders shall be removed.
8. No blind/stand shall be within 500yds of any other blind/stand.
9. No blind/stand shall be within 50 yds from any feeder.
10. All harvested animals will be photographed and photos submitted to JSM with date, time, location.
11. No incendiary or explosive ammo or targets of any kind. No Tannerite, specifically, or any other explosive compounds.
12. Any and all firearm zeroing/practice prior to, or after hunts must be done between the hours of 8am to 6pm outside any legal season and 10am and 3pm during any legal season, and only in designated areas. JSM is not a firing range so zeroing and confirmation of same ONLY.
13. Must have VALID Texas hunting license on file with Landowner; all guest(s) must also have a valid hunting license on file before they are permitted on property.
14. No hunter shall kill or injure any commercial livestock; should hunter or guest kill or injure any livestock they will be charged full market rate for the entire injured or killed commercial livestock.
15. No shooting over property lines, fence lines, roads, or streets.
16. No hunting on Wednesdays.
17. Guests: Lessee(s) may have one (1) guest with them during any hunt; ALL guests are required to sign and have waiver on file. Lessee(s) shall have NO MORE then two (2) shooters, inclusive of themselves, on any one hunt. All guests must be accompanied by valid Lessee.
18. All minors shall be accompanied by Lessee at all times.
19. Scouting trips are permitted but guest limits still apply.
20. Additional rules may apply for bonus or supplemental hunts.
21. Any violation of rules will result in immediate removal from the property and lessees shall forfeit all fees and access for the term of their lease.
2. Hunting Hours: all hours between dawn and dusk during legal hunting seasons within the term of the lease. No night hunting.
3. General Harvest Limits: Whitetail: State limit; Turkey: 1 tom, 1 hen; Dove: State limit; Quail: 5 daily bag limit, Javalina: State limit; Bobcat: 1 Daily, Wild Hogs: No Limit; Coyotes: No Limit; Rabbit: State limit Squirrel: State limit
4. All animals harvested by Lessee and/or Lessee’s guest(s) shall count toward Lessee’s harvest totals.
5. Follow all local, state, and federal hunting laws.
6. Hunters may place no more then two (2) blinds/stand and two (2) feeders in their designated hunting section(s). Hunters shall identify on a map all of their feeders and blinds/stands and have on file with the Lessor.
7. All hunters shall identify their blinds and feeders with their initials and year of lease. (Ex. ”AB 21/22” or “21/22 AB") Blinds not properly marked and identified to current and valid lease holders shall be removed.
8. No blind/stand shall be within 500yds of any other blind/stand.
9. No blind/stand shall be within 50 yds from any feeder.
10. All harvested animals will be photographed and photos submitted to JSM with date, time, location.
11. No incendiary or explosive ammo or targets of any kind. No Tannerite, specifically, or any other explosive compounds.
12. Any and all firearm zeroing/practice prior to, or after hunts must be done between the hours of 8am to 6pm outside any legal season and 10am and 3pm during any legal season, and only in designated areas. JSM is not a firing range so zeroing and confirmation of same ONLY.
13. Must have VALID Texas hunting license on file with Landowner; all guest(s) must also have a valid hunting license on file before they are permitted on property.
14. No hunter shall kill or injure any commercial livestock; should hunter or guest kill or injure any livestock they will be charged full market rate for the entire injured or killed commercial livestock.
15. No shooting over property lines, fence lines, roads, or streets.
16. No hunting on Wednesdays.
17. Guests: Lessee(s) may have one (1) guest with them during any hunt; ALL guests are required to sign and have waiver on file. Lessee(s) shall have NO MORE then two (2) shooters, inclusive of themselves, on any one hunt. All guests must be accompanied by valid Lessee.
18. All minors shall be accompanied by Lessee at all times.
19. Scouting trips are permitted but guest limits still apply.
20. Additional rules may apply for bonus or supplemental hunts.
21. Any violation of rules will result in immediate removal from the property and lessees shall forfeit all fees and access for the term of their lease.
1. No camping outside of designated area(s).
2. No cooking outside of designated area(s).
3. No fires outside of designated area(s).
4. No trash shall be left on the property; you bring it in, you take it out.
5. No tree greater then 4” in diameter at its base shall be removed or significantly altered in any way.
6. Lessees may clear brush and grass around their blinds/stand, feeders, and fields of fire but must remove all cut wooden debris to a designated location.
7. Lessee may only use previously established roads, trails, senderros, or paths to access their blinds and feeders. DO NOT ATTEMPT to create new road(s), paths, or trails of any kind by clearing or removing trees or brush.
8. No heavy equipment of any kind is allowed on the property.
9. No alcohol outside of the designated camping area(s). No alcohol in the field. Any hunter, Lessee or Guest, found intoxicated outside the designated camping area shall be immediately removed and shall forfeit all fees and access for the term of their lease.
10. No illegal drugs of any kind. Any hunter, Lessee of Guest, found under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs shall be immediately removed and shall forfeit all fees and access for the term of their lease.
11. No recreational four wheeling or off roading of any kind; use of ATVs, 4wheelers, trucks, or the like to and from feeders/blinds or while scouting is permitted.
12. All gates crossed should be left as found.
13. Any lessee or their guest(s) on JSM property shall provide identification and hunting license on request of any JSM representative.
14. Lessee(s) may have no more then four(4) non hunting guest with them in a designated camping area only. 15. No loaded firearms in the camping areas.
2. No cooking outside of designated area(s).
3. No fires outside of designated area(s).
4. No trash shall be left on the property; you bring it in, you take it out.
5. No tree greater then 4” in diameter at its base shall be removed or significantly altered in any way.
6. Lessees may clear brush and grass around their blinds/stand, feeders, and fields of fire but must remove all cut wooden debris to a designated location.
7. Lessee may only use previously established roads, trails, senderros, or paths to access their blinds and feeders. DO NOT ATTEMPT to create new road(s), paths, or trails of any kind by clearing or removing trees or brush.
8. No heavy equipment of any kind is allowed on the property.
9. No alcohol outside of the designated camping area(s). No alcohol in the field. Any hunter, Lessee or Guest, found intoxicated outside the designated camping area shall be immediately removed and shall forfeit all fees and access for the term of their lease.
10. No illegal drugs of any kind. Any hunter, Lessee of Guest, found under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs shall be immediately removed and shall forfeit all fees and access for the term of their lease.
11. No recreational four wheeling or off roading of any kind; use of ATVs, 4wheelers, trucks, or the like to and from feeders/blinds or while scouting is permitted.
12. All gates crossed should be left as found.
13. Any lessee or their guest(s) on JSM property shall provide identification and hunting license on request of any JSM representative.
14. Lessee(s) may have no more then four(4) non hunting guest with them in a designated camping area only. 15. No loaded firearms in the camping areas.